Environmental news

April 13, 2025
Oil Spill Kills More Than 2,400 Animals

An unclear amount of oil has leaked into Colombia’s waterways, and environmental activists are saying an oil company is to blame. At the beginning of March, an oil well in northern Colombia burst, spewing an unclear amount of oil into the Magdalena River, a principal waterway that flows about 950 miles northward through the western half of the […]

April 13, 2025
Operational discharge of oil

Ships | Offshore drilling | Pipelines Discharges of oil from shipping, offshore extraction of oil, and transport of oil in pipelines is the result of either accidents or “normal”, deliberate operational discharges. Accidental discharges (oil spills)occur when vessels collide or come in distress at sea (engine breakdown, fire, explosion) and break open, or run aground close to the shore, or when […]

April 13, 2025
Oil spills

Oil spills can come from a number of sources, including tankers and oil extraction and storage facilities. Spills from tankers are usually the result of a breach in the hull, either from running aground or hitting an object in the water. Major oil spills, such as the 2006 spill off the coast of Lebanon or […]

April 13, 2025
What are oil slicks?

Oil slicks float on oceans and seas, covering them in a thick film of crude or refined petroleum oil. When freight ships carrying tens of thousands of tons of fuel crash, malfunction, or encounter harsh weather, they spill enormous amounts of oil into the water. Since oil and water don’t mix, the oil spreads out […]

March 14, 2025
Kids’ pages on oil in the sea

Several agencies and organizations working to prevent discharges of oils into the marine and coastal environment offer educational material and special activities for children and students. The overall purpose of these efforts is to make young people familiar with the marine environment, make them care about it, and understand the consequences of abusing it. Several […]

March 13, 2025
Tar Balls, the Beach’s Fossil-Fuel Flowers

Since my recent move to Tucson, Arizona, a wave of nostalgia has engulfed me. I miss the Pacific. I’ve been thinking about the Western horizon where the ocean kisses the sky, the salt air stays on my lips, and where tar balls, masses of fragrant black goo, sometimes stick to the bottom of my feet. […]

sự cố tràn dầu March 13, 2025
SOS Environment participated in the training workshop on “Prevention and settlement of marine environmental incidents” organized by MONRE and USAID

Under the framework of cooperation on strengthening Vietnam’s marine environmental management and monitoring capacity, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) jointly organized a training workshop on “Prevention and settlement of marine environmental incidents”. The training workshop were held from 05 to 08 March 2018 […]